
Nucleus hives for breeding of new families

The nucleus hives are manufactured to hold 5, 6 or 8 brood or super frames. Consists of a chamber, separate bottom board covered with an 3 mm x 3 mm galvanized metal net, bee pollen keeping chamber, feeder and galvanized sheet iron roof.

Nucleus Box

Thickness of the wood material is 25 mm. The customer is presented with the option to choose between two types of boxes. The box could be manufactured to hold Dadant Blatt оr Langstroth Root brood chamber frames. The boxes are dovetailed or screw assembled.

Nucleus Bottom Board

Thickness of wood material for the bottom board is 25 mm, the frame is covered by an 3.2 mm x 3.2 mm galvanized metal net. The design is suited as to allow the fitting of a pollen keeping chamber.


Thickness of the wood material is 12 mm. It is designed to allow the fitting of two feeder chambers.

Polystyrene feeder

Miller feeder

Nucleus with devetailed box

Nucleus with screw assembled box

Nucleuses with sample bottom board

Nucleuses for pollen

Nucleus flat pack

Nucleus for pollen with polystyrene feeder

Mini Plus Nucleus for 2 bee colonies

Mini Plus Nucleus

Mating hive – 6 frames half size

Mating hive – 6 frames half size for super , or Langstroth brood, or Dadant brood, bottom feeding

Mating hive – 6 frames

Mating hive – 6 frames half size for super , or Langstroth brood, or Dadant brood, top feeding

Mating Hives

Dadant Blatt mating hive with 3 sections

Dadant Blatt mating hive with 2 section

Langstroth mating hive with 3 section

Langstroth mating hive with 2 section

Super mating hive with 3 sections

Super mating hive with 2 sections

The standard wood used is dried wood with an equibalance humidity of 10-12%.
The price includes a precoat and a waterproof UV protection varnish.
Should the customer request the bee hives could be painted with a coloured waterproof paint.

Read more on the Nucleus at Wikipedia.